My previous work as a fashion designer let me to the desire to see a side of life less glamorous and more real. I was fascinated by politics and history, and interested in Central America, where my first trip took me as a photographer.
The day I arrived in El Salvador, the earth was boiling and the temperature hit 120 degrees. The air was flickering, the horizon invisible. I was walking and walking and spotted some metal shacks with children playing in the shadow. I came closer and started to communicate with the little Spanish I knew. It was difficult to adjust the eye from shadow to sun. I saw a mother, a little girl, a black dog behind and some other shacks close by, with some people appearing from the shadows. The scene was unreal and despite the simple housing, I noticed that everyone was nicely dressed and that the earth around was wiped clean. I asked if I could take some photographs and they agreed. I stayed in the village till the afternoon and made as series of photographs. I realized that day, that I was able to connect with people and that they trusted me with their stories.
My interest grew to work in rural communities and the environment surrounding it. I am looking for an intuitive moment, if I photograph and wait till I can capture the right moment and the light, which plays an important role in my works as it is merely in black and white.
I am interested in little things more than in the whole picture, and often wander off the beaten path to find the unexpected.
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Managua, Nicaragua 2006
Nicaragua, Managua 2006
Martissant, Haiti 2009
Bahamas 2008
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Martissant, Haiti, 2010
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Illobasco, El Salvador 2007
Martissant, Haiti 2010
Managua, Nicaragua 2006
Illobasco, El Salvador 2008
Managua, Nicaragua 2006
Managua, Nicaragua 2006
Santa Ana, El Salvador 2007
Lago Atitlan, Guatemala 2006
St. Miguel, El Salvador 2007
St. Miguel, El Salvador 2007
Matagalpa, Nicaragua 2006
Matagalpa, Nicaragua 2006
El Salvador 2007
Granada, Nicaragua 2006
Suchitoto, El Salvador 2007
Managua, Nicaragua 2006
Granada, Nicaragua 2006
Managua, Nicaragua 2006